Annual Inventory
Per the State of Illinois Central Management Services, Illinois State University must conduct an annual physical inventory of all fixed assets.
To achieve an annual physical inventory of the entire University, each department will receive a current listing of their inventory(s). Each department is responsible for physically locating each item on their inventory list, updating any information on the list, noting any additional inventory that is not on the list, signing and returning the inventory to the Office of Property Control by a date set forth by the Office of Property Control. The information received from each department will be analyzed, processed and reported to the Central Management Services for review.
All university property is subject to scheduled and unscheduled internal and external audits. Be prepared to provide all inventory for verification.
Assisted Inventory
Property Control conducts periodic Internal Inventory Audits of departmental inventories. During an internal inventory audit, Property Control assists the department with their annual physical inventory. Departments will be notified when they are scheduled for an internal inventory audit.
All university property is subject to scheduled and unscheduled internal and external audits. Be prepared to provide all inventory for verification.
All equipment must be disposed through the office of Property Control. Equipment no longer needed or used by a department becomes surplus equipment and must be treated as such. Do not place any equipment into a garbage receptacle. Contact Property Control for special circumstances of if you have questions regarding disposal of items.
With appropriate prior approval, university employees can remove equipment from campus when the equipment is to be used for university business only. A Property Control Equipment Loan Request must be filled out for each piece of equipment removed from campus.
The paper copy of the 'Property Control Loan Request' is a form in triplicate: a copy for Property Control files, a copy for department files, and a copy for the borrower. To obtain a paper copy, contact Property Control. An online form is available and can be filled out directly on your computer.
For more information on removing equipment from campus or on completing forms, please contact Property Control.
Tagging Criteria
All equipment with a purchase price of $2,500 or more meets the criteria to be tagged and tracked by the office of Property Control. Equipment with a purchase price of at least $100 but less than $2,500 that is considered by Property Control to be at high risk for theft also meets the criteria to be tagged and tracked. The list of equipment considered to be high risk for theft is subject to review and therefore is fluid and unfixed.
Tag Placement
Placement of tags by Property Control meets and is in accordance with Central Management Services and should not be removed or relocated on the equipment.
Certain equipment or inventory is such that applying a tag is impracticable. This equipment will be marked and/or tracked using an alternative method.
Types & Use
Illinois State University 6 Digit Bar Coded Tags are applied by Property Control to all equipment meeting the criteria set by the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services and all equipment deemed as High Risk for theft by the office of Property Control.
Property of Illinois State University Tags are applied to all equipment/property that does not meet the criteria of the bar coded tag and is not reported to the State of Illinois Central Management Services.
Departmental 9 Digit Bar Coded Tags are available to individual departments. These tags can be used for any and all items within the department. The department may apply these tags and track them at their own discretion. Departmental tags are optional, are for the sole use and purpose of the department, and can be used in conjunction with Property Control tags. Departmental tags include the department name and a 9-digit number, part of which is exclusive to the department. Contact your specialist for more info or to request these tags.
All equipment transferred from one department to another must be reported to Property Control, the department Inventory Steward and Fiscal Agents of each department. Location updates must be made in the Inventory System. To ensure the inventory change is made, complete the Equipment Transaction Form and return it to Property Control.