Property Control Specialists
Department/Inventory | Property Control Specialist Assigned |
Admissions | Steven Shepherd |
Agriculture | Steven Shepherd |
Applied Science (CAST) | Steven Shepherd |
Art | Violet Ray |
Art Gallery Office | Violet Ray |
Art Specimens | Violet Ray |
Arts Tech Lab (ORAT) | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
ATK Creative Technologies | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
Athletic Association | Steven Shepherd |
Athletic's Hancock Stadium | Steven Shepherd |
Biological Sciences | Violet Ray |
Bone Student Center | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
Braden Auditorium | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
BSC Bowling & Billiards Center | Shandi Scogin |
Campus Recreation | Shandi Scogin |
Career Center | Shandi Scogin |
CEMAST | Violet Ray |
Center * Performing Arts | Violet Ray |
Central Receiving/Property Control | Shandi Scogin |
Chemistry | Violet Ray |
Clinical Exper & Certification | Steven Shepherd |
CIPD | Shandi Scogin |
COE Technology | Steven Shepherd |
College of Arts & Science | Shandi Scogin |
College of Business | Violet Ray |
College of Education | Steven Shepherd |
College of Engineering | Aaron Matej |
College of Fine Arts | Shandi Scogin |
College of Nursing | Shandi Scogin |
Communication | Violet Ray |
Communication Sci & Disorders | Violet Ray |
Comptroller | Shandi Scogin |
Comptroller - Service Fund Acct | Shandi Scogin |
Conferences | Steven Shepherd |
Criminal Justice | Steven Shepherd |
Dean of Students | Shandi Scogin |
Dept of Social Work | Violet Ray |
Diversity Advocacy | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
EAF Educational Administration | Steven Shepherd |
Economics/Ctr Renewable Energy | Violet Ray |
EDMH - Bone Student Center | Shandi Scogin |
EDMH - Braden Auditorium | Shandi Scogin |
EDMH - Campus Dining Kitchen | Shandi Scogin |
EDMH - Mobile | Shandi Scogin |
EDMH - SSB | Shandi Scogin |
Emergency Management | Shandi Scogin |
English Dept | Violet Ray |
Enrollment Management | Shandi Scogin |
Equal Opportunity | Shandi Scogin |
Facilities Mgt - Air Condition | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Auto Maint Equ | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Campus Svcs | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Heating Plant | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Janitorial Equ | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Office Equip | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Rental Fleet | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Shop Equip | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Mgt - Vehicles | Steven Shepherd |
Facilities Planning | Steven Shepherd |
Family & Consumer Sciences | Steven Shepherd |
Farm Animals | Steven Shepherd |
Financial Aid | Steven Shepherd |
Gamma Phi | Steven Shepherd |
Geography & Geology | Violet Ray |
Graduate School | Shandi Scogin |
Health & Safety | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
Health Promotion & Wellness | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
Health Sciences | Steven Shepherd |
Health Services | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
History | Violet Ray |
Honors Program | Shandi Scogin |
Human Resources | Shandi Scogin |
Informational Technology, School of (ITK) | Steven Shepherd |
Internal Auditor | Shandi Scogin |
International Engagement | Violet Ray |
ISU Police Department | Shandi Scogin |
Kinesiology and Recreation KNR | Steven Shepherd |
Lab Schools Superintendent | Steven Shepherd |
Lab Schools Superintendent - Hilia | Steven Shepherd |
Language, Literature & Cultures | Violet Ray |
Learning Spaces AV Tech | Shandi Scogin |
Legal Counsel | Shandi Scogin |
Mail Services - G/R | Violet Ray |
Mail Services - S/F | Violet Ray |
Mathematics | Violet Ray |
Metcalf Lab School | Steven Shepherd |
Metcalf - IT | Steven Shepherd |
Military Science | Steven Shepherd |
Milner Library | Shandi Scogin |
Milner Library - Books | Shandi Scogin |
Multicultural Center | Shandi Scogin |
Music Dept | Violet Ray |
Music - Instruments | Violet Ray |
Music - Pianos | Violet Ray |
University Housing Services/Housing Dormitories | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
Parking Services | Shandi Scogin |
Philosophy | Violet Ray |
Physics | Violet Ray |
Politics and Government | Violet Ray |
President’s House | Shandi Scogin |
President’s Office | Shandi Scogin |
Printing Services - Print Shop | Shandi Scogin |
Printing Services - Rev Funds | Shandi Scogin |
Provost | Shandi Scogin |
Psychology | Violet Ray |
Recycling | Steven Shepherd |
Research & Sponsored Programs/Grad School/Univ Research Office | Shandi Scogin |
School of Teaching & Learning | Steven Shepherd |
Sociology-Anthropology | Violet Ray |
Special Ed Development | Steven Shepherd |
Stevenson Center | Violet Ray |
Student Access & Accomodation Services | Shandi Scogin |
Student Affairs | Shandi Scogin |
Student Affair - Computer Tech | Shandi Scogin |
Student Counseling Services | Shandi Scogin |
Sustainability Office | Steven Shepherd |
Tech Sol - Business Office | Shandi Scogin |
Tech Sol - Data Centers | Shandi Scogin |
Tech Sol - Endpoint Support | Shandi Scogin |
Tech Sol - ION/Misc | Shandi Scogin |
Tech Sol - TZONE - S/R | Shandi Scogin |
Tech Sol - TZONE - G/R | Shandi Scogin |
Technology | Steven Shepherd |
Theatre | Violet Ray |
TV 10 | Violet Ray |
UHS Housing Maintenance | Shandi Scogin |
UHS Laundry | Shandi Scogin |
UHS Office Building | Shandi Scogin |
University Advancement | Shandi Scogin |
University Assessment Office | Shandi Scogin |
University College | Steven Shepherd |
University Farm | Steven Shepherd |
University Golf Course | Steven Shepherd |
University High School | Steven Shepherd |
University Marketing & Communications | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
University Registrar | Steven Shepherd |
Vidette | Shandi Scogin |
VP Business & Finance | Vacant/Contact Aaron Matej |
WGLT | Violet Ray |
WZND | Violet Ray |